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Showing posts from May, 2014

EconEd Active: Ideas for an engaging classroom

One common challenge for instructors new to interactive teaching is deciding exactly what to do . From one perspective, there are tons of resources available (like all those listed on my ‘Resources for Teachers’ page ), providing ideas about what to do and guidance on how to do it. But almost all of those resources are organized around pedagogy; for example, From ABBA to Zeppelin has great examples of song lyrics that can be used to teach economic concepts, Games Economists Play catalogs lots of ‘experiments’, and the Starting Point portal is organized by pedagogical tool (clickers, simulations, context-rich problems, etc.). But for folks who don’t already use these tools, how do you know which site to go to in the first place? Many economists don’t think much about pedagogy, let alone think about it first. Instead, most people start with the content they know they want to ‘cover’ and then they think about how they are going to teach it. Once you are on a site like Games Economis...

AEA Teaching Conference

After missing the last two, I'm on my way to the Fourth Annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research in Economic Education (CTREE) in D.C. I'll be presenting in two different sessions about flipping the classroom, both on Thursday, at 8:30am (session B6) and at 11am (session C2). There are a ton of interesting sessions - I have no idea how I'll decide which ones to go to! If any readers are attending, come find me and say hi!