For those attending the ASSA meetings in Atlanta, I tried to find all the teaching-related sessions. If I missed any, please let me know...
Jan. 3, 10:15 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
Research in Economic Education
Presiding: William Greene (New York University)
Achievement Goals, Locus of Control, and Academic Success and Effort in Introductory and Intermediate Microeconomics
Lester Hadsell (State University of New York-Oneonta)
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring on Student Achievement at the University Level
Vincent G. Munley (Lehigh University)
Eoghan Garvey (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Michael J. McConnell (Economic Research Service/USDA)
Do Online Homework Tools Improve Student Results in Microeconomics Principles Courses?
William Lee (St. Mary's College of California)
Richard Courtney (St. Mary's College of California)
Steven J. Balassi (St. Mary's College of California)
The Efficacy of Collaborative Learning Recitation Sessions on Student Outcomes
Kim Huynh (Indiana University)
David Jacho-Chavez (Indiana University)
James K. Self (Indiana University)
Discussants: Wendy Stock (Montana State University)
Sam Allgood (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Tisha Emerson (Baylor University)
Georg Schaur (University of Tennessee)
Jan. 3, 12:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Delivery Mechanisms in Economics Education
Presiding: Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Student Performance in Traditional vs. Online Format: Evidence from an MBA Level Introductory Economics Class
Oskar Harmon (University of Connecticut)
James Lambrinos (Union University)
Do Supplemental Online Recorded Lectures Help Students Learn Microeconomics?
Jennjou Chen (National Chengchi University )
Tsui-Fang Lin (National Taipei University)
Starting Point -Teaching and Learning Economics
Mark H. Maier (Glendale Community College)
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond )
Scott Simkins (NC A&T State University)
Discussants: Brian Peterson (Central College)
Gail Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Judith Shapiro (London School of Economics)
Jan. 3, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom - Salon D
How Should the Financial Crisis Change How We Teach Economics? (Panel Discussion)
Presiding: David Colander (Middlebury College)
Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Robert Shiller (Yale University)
Alan Blinder (Princeton University)
Jan. 4, 8:00 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Issues in Undergraduate Economics
Presiding: William Bosshardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Calculus Requirements and the Popularity of the Economics Major
Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Matthew W. Nicklay (St. Cloud State University)
Course Grade and Perceived Instructor Effectiveness When the Characteristics of Survey Respondents are Observable
Samer Kherfi (American University-Sharjah)
The Impact of Misconceptions in a Macro Principles Class
William L. Goffe (State University of New York-Oswego)
Returns to Different Learning Styles: Evidence from a Course in Microeconomics
Taggert J. Brooks (University of Wisconsin )
A. Wahhab Khandker (University of Wisconsin )
Discussants: Jennifer Rhoads (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Brian Peterson (Central College)
Lester Hadsell (State University of New York-Oneonta)
Mohammad Ashraf (University of North Carolina-Pembroke)
Jan. 4, 10:15 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
Innovative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Economics
Presiding: Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
Findings from a Teaching Innovations Program for Economics Faculty
William B. Walstad (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Developing Teacher Expertise for Economists through a Workshop Experience
Michael J. Salemi (University of North Carolina)
Online Faculty Instruction to Improve Interactive Teaching of Economics
Mark H. Maier (Glendale Community College)
Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Economics
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
Discussants: Robert Rebelein (Vassar College)
Kirsten Madden (Millersville University)
Tisha Emerson (Baylor University)
Sue K. Stockly (Eastern New Mexico University)
Jan. 4, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A601
Poster Session: Active Learning Strategies for the Undergraduate Economics Curriculum
Presiding: Wendy Stock (Montana State University)
Classroom Experiments Improve Learning in Calculus-Based Micro Theory Courses
Sheryl Ball (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Catherine Eckel (University of Texas-Dallas)
Economics on the Move
Daniel Barkley (California State University)
Strategies for Corporate Finance
Barbara Beliveau (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
Thomas Botzman (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
Using Appropriate Visual Aids in Teaching Economics
Bruce Brown (California State Polytechnic University)
Undergraduate Teaching Tools for Computable General Equilibrium Models
Mary Burfisher (U.S. Naval Academy)
Karen Thierfelder (U.S. Naval Academy)
Assessing the Effectiveness of "Writing to Learn" in Introductory Economics
David Carpenter (Colorado State University)
Karen Gebhardt (Colorado State University)
Robert Kling (Colorado State University)
Fusion Teaching - Utilizing Course Management Technology to Deliver a Multimodal Pedagogy
Howard Cochran (Belmont University)
Marieta Velikova (Belmont University)
Polling the Audience: Using Opinion Surveys to Improve Teaching
Lee Coppock (University of Virginia)
The Taxman Can be Indirect
Marilyn Cottrell (Brock University)
Computer Animations and Demonstrations for Teaching Economics
Thomas Creahan (Morehead State University)
A Classroom Experiment on Status Goods and Consumer Choice
Damian Damianov (University of Texas-Pan American)
Television for Economists
Linda S. Ghent (Eastern Illinois University)
G. Dirk Mateer (Pennsylvania State University)
Misty Stone (Pennsylvania State University)
Active Learning: Using Excel Based Interactive Graphs to Teach Incidence of Excise Tax and Deadweight Loss in a Principles Class
Sarah Ghosh (University of Scranton)
Satyajit Ghosh (University of Scranton)
Active Learning in Economics via Real World Investigations
Scott Gilbert (Southern Illinois University)
Team-Based Learning in the Economics Classroom
William Goffe (State University of New York-Oswego)
Teaching Macroeconomics by Induction
C. Nicholas Gomersall (Luther College)
A Classroom Economic Experiment: How to Estimate the Unemployment Rate
Inhyuck "Steve" Ha (Western Carolina University)
Jessica Hollars (Western Carolina University)
Forecasting Student Success in a Principles of Economics Online Class
Carsten Lange (California State Polytechnic University)
The Relationship Between Music and Student Enjoyment of Economics Class
Simon Medcalfe (Augusta State University)
Demonstrations in Large-Enrollment Principles Courses
Martha Olney (University of California-Berkeley)
Context-Rich Problems in Public Finance: Reverse Engineering an Upper-Level Policy Course
Brian Peterson (Central College)
Teaching Econometrics as Active Learning
Geetha Rajaram (Whittier College)
Being Aware of Health Care: Using Cooperative Learning to Synthesize and Communicate U.S. Health Care Reform Issues
Jennifer Rhoads (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Context-rich Problems in Principles of Microeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics
Rochelle Ruffer (Nazareth College)
Mandatory Homework Problem Set Completion and Test Performance in Economics
Nicholas Rupp (East Carolina University)
Teaching Real and Nominal Gross Domestic Product
Brian Sloboda (U.S. Postal Service)
A Game Approach to Learning and Retaining Microeconomics
Melissa Wiseman (Houston Baptist University)
Jan. 4, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Teaching Economics and Personal Finance at the Secondary School Level
Presiding: Paul Grimes (Mississippi State University)
Financial Education, Financial Literacy, and Financial Confidence
William B. Walstad (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Richard A. MacDonald (St. Cloud State University)
Integrating Economics into High School U.S. History Classes: Are There Economies of Scope?
Thomas Cargill (University of Nevada-Reno)
Mark Pingle (University of Nevada-Reno)
Jeanne Wendel (University of Nevada-Reno)
International Comparisons in Financial Literacy among the Students of USA, Japan, and Belarus
Sergey Borodich (Drury University )
Svetlana Deplazes (University of Kansas)
Nadzeya Kardash (University of Kansas)
Alexander Kovzik (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)
Discussants: Keshab Bhattarai (University of Hull)
Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University-Northwest)
Matthew Nicklay (St. Cloud State University)
Jan. 5, 8:00 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
On-Line Training Modules on Econometric Techniques in Economic Education Research
Presiding: Michael Watts (Purdue University)
Accessing and Using On-Line Modules on Data Issues and Heteroskedasticity, Endogenous Regressors, Panel Data, and Sample Selection Issues
William E. Becker (Indiana University)
Discussants: William Bosshardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Gail Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Jan. 5, 1:00 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Economic Systems and Economic Education
Presiding: Prathibha Joshi (Gordon College)
Dissertations for Sale: Corruption in Russia's Doctoral Education
Ararat L. Osipian (Vanderbilt University)
Climate Variability, Risk Sharing, and the Historical Emergence of Generalized Trust
Ruben Durante (Brown University)
A More Realistic Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model in Introductory Economics
Peter N. Hess (Davidson College)
Assessing the Effect of Online Homework on Exam Performance: A Large Sample Size Experiment.
Steve Trost (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Ideological Change and the Economics of Voting Behavior in the US, 1920-2008
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (London School of Economics)
Endogenous Preferences: The Political Consequences of Economic Institutions
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (London School of Economics)

Jan. 3, 10:15 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
Research in Economic Education
Presiding: William Greene (New York University)
Achievement Goals, Locus of Control, and Academic Success and Effort in Introductory and Intermediate Microeconomics
Lester Hadsell (State University of New York-Oneonta)
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring on Student Achievement at the University Level
Vincent G. Munley (Lehigh University)
Eoghan Garvey (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Michael J. McConnell (Economic Research Service/USDA)
Do Online Homework Tools Improve Student Results in Microeconomics Principles Courses?
William Lee (St. Mary's College of California)
Richard Courtney (St. Mary's College of California)
Steven J. Balassi (St. Mary's College of California)
The Efficacy of Collaborative Learning Recitation Sessions on Student Outcomes
Kim Huynh (Indiana University)
David Jacho-Chavez (Indiana University)
James K. Self (Indiana University)
Discussants: Wendy Stock (Montana State University)
Sam Allgood (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Tisha Emerson (Baylor University)
Georg Schaur (University of Tennessee)
Jan. 3, 12:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Delivery Mechanisms in Economics Education
Presiding: Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Student Performance in Traditional vs. Online Format: Evidence from an MBA Level Introductory Economics Class
Oskar Harmon (University of Connecticut)
James Lambrinos (Union University)
Do Supplemental Online Recorded Lectures Help Students Learn Microeconomics?
Jennjou Chen (National Chengchi University )
Tsui-Fang Lin (National Taipei University)
Starting Point -Teaching and Learning Economics
Mark H. Maier (Glendale Community College)
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond )
Scott Simkins (NC A&T State University)
Discussants: Brian Peterson (Central College)
Gail Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Judith Shapiro (London School of Economics)
Jan. 3, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom - Salon D
How Should the Financial Crisis Change How We Teach Economics? (Panel Discussion)
Presiding: David Colander (Middlebury College)
Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Robert Shiller (Yale University)
Alan Blinder (Princeton University)
Jan. 4, 8:00 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Issues in Undergraduate Economics
Presiding: William Bosshardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Calculus Requirements and the Popularity of the Economics Major
Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Matthew W. Nicklay (St. Cloud State University)
Course Grade and Perceived Instructor Effectiveness When the Characteristics of Survey Respondents are Observable
Samer Kherfi (American University-Sharjah)
The Impact of Misconceptions in a Macro Principles Class
William L. Goffe (State University of New York-Oswego)
Returns to Different Learning Styles: Evidence from a Course in Microeconomics
Taggert J. Brooks (University of Wisconsin )
A. Wahhab Khandker (University of Wisconsin )
Discussants: Jennifer Rhoads (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Brian Peterson (Central College)
Lester Hadsell (State University of New York-Oneonta)
Mohammad Ashraf (University of North Carolina-Pembroke)
Jan. 4, 10:15 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
Innovative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Economics
Presiding: Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
Findings from a Teaching Innovations Program for Economics Faculty
William B. Walstad (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Developing Teacher Expertise for Economists through a Workshop Experience
Michael J. Salemi (University of North Carolina)
Online Faculty Instruction to Improve Interactive Teaching of Economics
Mark H. Maier (Glendale Community College)
Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Economics
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
Discussants: Robert Rebelein (Vassar College)
Kirsten Madden (Millersville University)
Tisha Emerson (Baylor University)
Sue K. Stockly (Eastern New Mexico University)
Jan. 4, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A601
Poster Session: Active Learning Strategies for the Undergraduate Economics Curriculum
Presiding: Wendy Stock (Montana State University)
Classroom Experiments Improve Learning in Calculus-Based Micro Theory Courses
Sheryl Ball (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Catherine Eckel (University of Texas-Dallas)
Economics on the Move
Daniel Barkley (California State University)
Strategies for Corporate Finance
Barbara Beliveau (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
Thomas Botzman (St. Mary's College of Maryland)
Using Appropriate Visual Aids in Teaching Economics
Bruce Brown (California State Polytechnic University)
Undergraduate Teaching Tools for Computable General Equilibrium Models
Mary Burfisher (U.S. Naval Academy)
Karen Thierfelder (U.S. Naval Academy)
Assessing the Effectiveness of "Writing to Learn" in Introductory Economics
David Carpenter (Colorado State University)
Karen Gebhardt (Colorado State University)
Robert Kling (Colorado State University)
Fusion Teaching - Utilizing Course Management Technology to Deliver a Multimodal Pedagogy
Howard Cochran (Belmont University)
Marieta Velikova (Belmont University)
Polling the Audience: Using Opinion Surveys to Improve Teaching
Lee Coppock (University of Virginia)
The Taxman Can be Indirect
Marilyn Cottrell (Brock University)
Computer Animations and Demonstrations for Teaching Economics
Thomas Creahan (Morehead State University)
A Classroom Experiment on Status Goods and Consumer Choice
Damian Damianov (University of Texas-Pan American)
Television for Economists
Linda S. Ghent (Eastern Illinois University)
G. Dirk Mateer (Pennsylvania State University)
Misty Stone (Pennsylvania State University)
Active Learning: Using Excel Based Interactive Graphs to Teach Incidence of Excise Tax and Deadweight Loss in a Principles Class
Sarah Ghosh (University of Scranton)
Satyajit Ghosh (University of Scranton)
Active Learning in Economics via Real World Investigations
Scott Gilbert (Southern Illinois University)
Team-Based Learning in the Economics Classroom
William Goffe (State University of New York-Oswego)
Teaching Macroeconomics by Induction
C. Nicholas Gomersall (Luther College)
A Classroom Economic Experiment: How to Estimate the Unemployment Rate
Inhyuck "Steve" Ha (Western Carolina University)
Jessica Hollars (Western Carolina University)
Forecasting Student Success in a Principles of Economics Online Class
Carsten Lange (California State Polytechnic University)
The Relationship Between Music and Student Enjoyment of Economics Class
Simon Medcalfe (Augusta State University)
Demonstrations in Large-Enrollment Principles Courses
Martha Olney (University of California-Berkeley)
Context-Rich Problems in Public Finance: Reverse Engineering an Upper-Level Policy Course
Brian Peterson (Central College)
Teaching Econometrics as Active Learning
Geetha Rajaram (Whittier College)
Being Aware of Health Care: Using Cooperative Learning to Synthesize and Communicate U.S. Health Care Reform Issues
Jennifer Rhoads (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Context-rich Problems in Principles of Microeconomics and Intermediate Microeconomics
Rochelle Ruffer (Nazareth College)
Mandatory Homework Problem Set Completion and Test Performance in Economics
Nicholas Rupp (East Carolina University)
Teaching Real and Nominal Gross Domestic Product
Brian Sloboda (U.S. Postal Service)
A Game Approach to Learning and Retaining Microeconomics
Melissa Wiseman (Houston Baptist University)
Jan. 4, 2:30 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Teaching Economics and Personal Finance at the Secondary School Level
Presiding: Paul Grimes (Mississippi State University)
Financial Education, Financial Literacy, and Financial Confidence
William B. Walstad (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Ken Rebeck (St. Cloud State University)
Richard A. MacDonald (St. Cloud State University)
Integrating Economics into High School U.S. History Classes: Are There Economies of Scope?
Thomas Cargill (University of Nevada-Reno)
Mark Pingle (University of Nevada-Reno)
Jeanne Wendel (University of Nevada-Reno)
International Comparisons in Financial Literacy among the Students of USA, Japan, and Belarus
Sergey Borodich (Drury University )
Svetlana Deplazes (University of Kansas)
Nadzeya Kardash (University of Kansas)
Alexander Kovzik (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)
Discussants: Keshab Bhattarai (University of Hull)
Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University-Northwest)
Matthew Nicklay (St. Cloud State University)
Jan. 5, 8:00 am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, A703
On-Line Training Modules on Econometric Techniques in Economic Education Research
Presiding: Michael Watts (Purdue University)
Accessing and Using On-Line Modules on Data Issues and Heteroskedasticity, Endogenous Regressors, Panel Data, and Sample Selection Issues
William E. Becker (Indiana University)
Discussants: William Bosshardt (Florida Atlantic University)
Gail Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Jan. 5, 1:00 pm, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, M103
Economic Systems and Economic Education
Presiding: Prathibha Joshi (Gordon College)
Dissertations for Sale: Corruption in Russia's Doctoral Education
Ararat L. Osipian (Vanderbilt University)
Climate Variability, Risk Sharing, and the Historical Emergence of Generalized Trust
Ruben Durante (Brown University)
A More Realistic Aggregate Demand-Aggregate Supply Model in Introductory Economics
Peter N. Hess (Davidson College)
Assessing the Effect of Online Homework on Exam Performance: A Large Sample Size Experiment.
Steve Trost (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)
Ideological Change and the Economics of Voting Behavior in the US, 1920-2008
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (London School of Economics)
Endogenous Preferences: The Political Consequences of Economic Institutions
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (London School of Economics)

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