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Showing posts from April, 2012

A flexible #dayofhighered

Over at Inside Higher Ed, Lee Bessette has called for April 2 as a " day of higher ed ", in response to the Washington Post nonsense about how faculty are overpaid. I assume most readers of this blog have heard about the WP article but if you missed it, the general idea is the same old crap about how teachers have large amounts of time 'off' since apparently, the only real work we do is when we are in the classroom (I should note that the author specifically targeted those at teaching schools and community colleges, since apparently, we don't have to do research - HA!). Since my research (irony!) is on K-12 education, I hear all these same arguments about how K-12 teachers are overpaid all the time. On a personal level, I find such comments incredibly annoying but on a larger societal level, I actually find them dangerous - I think the belief that teachers at all levels are overpaid, lazy, etc., contributes to the general erosion of support for education that we...