I'll take a short break from my TBL series to share a couple of resources that you may find helpful if, like me, you're tweaking your fall classes and looking for some new material...
- Economics memes: I think anyone who is on Facebook, or receives email for that matter, has seen some version of various internet memes, which wikipedia defines as any idea that is propagated through the internet: "The idea may take the form of a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase... The meme may spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, news sources or other web-based services." The Economics memes site provides a collection of econ-related memes, as well as some information about how to use memes in your class. [Note: the Most Interesting Man in the World picture is actually from the Cengage Facebook page, and Jodi Beggs has a bunch of other variations on the Most Interesting Man meme].
- Div.E.Q.: Diversifying Economic Quality: A Wiki for Instructors and Departments provides some great teaching resources. As stated on the site:
- The Peer Instruction Network has lots of information if you want to add some peer instruction elements to your courses. The blog has some good posts if you're new to peer instruction, including this post that answers the basic question, "What is peer instruction?".
"The purpose of this wiki is to promote best teaching practices in economics, particularly practices that encourage women, students of color, and members of other underrepresented groups to continue their study of economics. Here, economics faculty can both disseminate and discover prescriptions for improving our teaching and the inclusiveness of our discipline."
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