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Econ Ed Sessions at the ASSAs

I won't be in Boston but for those who will be, here's the round-up of sessions related to teaching... (if I missed any, please let me know!)

Jan 03, 2015 8:00 am, Sheraton Boston, The Fens 
American Economic Association
Curriculum and Assessment of Economic Principles (A2)
PresidingCARLOS ASARTA (University of Delaware)
Modeling and Measuring of Economics Knowledge among Freshman Students in German Higher Education
MANUEL FOERSTER (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
OLGA ZLATKIN-TROITSCHANSKAIA (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
ROLAND HAPP (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
SEBASTIAN BRUECKNER (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Grades, Coursework, and Student Characteristics in High School Economics
WILLIAM WALSTAD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
KEN REBECK (St Cloud State University)
Motivating College-Level Immersion: The AP Economics Programs and Exams
DAVID A. ANDERSON (Centre College)
Economics Assessment in the IB Diploma Programme
SUSAN JAMES (International Baccalaureate)
GEORG SCHAUR (University of Tennessee)
JOHN SWINTON (Georgia College and State University)
PAUL W. GRIMES (Pittsburg State University)
WILLIAM BOSSHARDT (Florida Atlantic University)

Jan 03, 2015 8:00 am, Sheraton Boston, Public Garden 
American Economic Association

Experimental Evidence of the Impact of Online Education on Student Outcomes (I2, A2)

PresidingREBECCA MAYNARD (University of Pennsylvania)
Virtually Large: The Effects of Class Size in Online College Courses
ERIC BETTINGER (Stanford University)
CHRISTOPHER DOSS (Stanford University)
SUSANNA LOEB (Stanford University)
ERIC TAYLOR (Stanford University)
Does Classroom Time Matter? A Randomized Field Experiment of Hybrid and Traditional Lecture Formats in Economics
TED JOYCE (Baruch College)
SEAN CROCKETT (Baruch College)
DAVID JAEGER (City University of New York)
ONUR ALTINAG (City University of New York)
Online, Blended and Classroom Teaching of Economics Principles: A Randomized Experiment
WILLIAM ALPERT (University of Connecticut)
KENNETH COUCH (University of Connecticut)
OSKAR HARMON (University of Connecticut)
DAVID DEMING (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2015 10:15 am, Sheraton Boston, Constitution Ballroom B 
American Economic Association

The Economics Major and Economics Education Research - The Past 20 Years, Panel Discussion (A2) (Panel Discussion)

Panel ModeratorWENDY STOCK (Montana State University)
SAM ALLGOOD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
JOHN SIEGFRIED (Vanderbilt University)
WILLIAM WALSTAD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Jan 03, 2015 12:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Beacon A 
National Association of Economic Educators

Economic Education Research and the Principles Classroom (A2)

PresidingHELEN ROBERTS (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Economic Education Research in The American Economist: A 50 Year Anniversary
CARLOS ASARTA (University of Delaware)
PAUL W. GRIMES (Pittsburg State University)
AUSTIN JENNINGS (University of Delaware)
Loss Aversion, Distributional Effects, and Asymmetric Gender Responses in Economics Education
MARIA APOSTOLOVA-MIHAYLOVA (University of Mary Washington)
WILLIAM COOPER (University of Kentucky)
GAIL HOYT (University of Kentucky)
EMILY MARSHALL (University of Kentucky)
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Preconceptions of Principles Students
WILLIAM GOFFE (Pennsylvania State University)
HELEN ROBERTS (University of Illinois-Chicago)
REBECCA CHAMBERS (University of Delaware)
CARLOS ASARTA (University of Delaware)

Jan 03, 2015 12:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Beacon B 
Omicron Delta Epsilon

Omicron Delta Epsilon Faculty Advisor Session (A1)

PresidingALAN GRANT (Baker University)
Systematic Misunderstanding of Core Ideas in Principles of Economics Courses: A Case Study of Comparative Advantage, Specialization, and Trade
JAMES K. SELF (Indiana University)
WILLIAM E. BECKER (Indiana University)
A Classroom Property Title Experiment
LAUREN HELLER (Berry College)
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Directed Crib Sheet Development as a Test Preparation and Review Tool
KARA SMITH (Belmont University)
COLIN CANNONIER (Belmont University)
Student Effort and Learning Outcomes in Introductory Economics Courses
NARA MIJID (Central Connecticut State University)
LAUREN HELLER (Berry College)
JAMES K. SELF (Indiana University)
NARA MIJID (Central Connecticut State University)
KARA SMITH (Belmont University)

Jan 03, 2015 2:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Back Bay Ballroom B 
American Economic Association

The Undergraduate Origins of PhD Economists: Where Do They Come From and Advice to Programs (A2) (Panel Discussion)

Panel ModeratorGAIL HOYT (University of Kentucky)
JOHN SIEGFRIED (Vanderbilt University)
WENDY STOCK (Montana State University)
PHILIP N. JEFFERSON (Swarthmore College)
ELLEN MAGENHEIM (Swarthmore College)
JEFFREY MIRON (Harvard University)
JENNY BOURNE (Carleton College)
NATHAN GRAWE (Carleton College)
MARTHA L. OLNEY (University of California-Berkeley)

Jan 04, 2015 8:00 am, Hynes Convention Center, Room 209 
American Economic Association

The Effects of Attendance, Visualization, Study Time and Tutorials on Learning in Economic Education (A2)

PresidingGEORG SCHAUR (University of Tennessee)
Effect of Peer Attendance on College Students' Learning Outcomes in a Microeconomics Course
JENNJOU CHEN (National Chengchi University)
TSUI-FANG LIN (National Taipei University)
Using Interactive Compound Interest Visualizations to Improve Financial Literacy
EDWARD HUBBARD (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
PERCIVAL MATTHEWS (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
ANYA SAVIKHIN SAMEK (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Is There an Inverse Relationship Between Study Time and Final Exam Scores? Evidence from Principles of Economics
IRENE FOSTER (George Washington University)
QIAN GUO (George Washington University)
CHENG XU (George Washington University)
The Effectiveness of Tutorials in Large Classes: Do They Matter? Is There a Difference between Traditional and Collaborative Learning Tutorials?
KAREN MENARD (Ontario Health Study)
ABIGAIL PAYNE (McMaster University)
VICTORIA LIZA PROWSE (Cornell University)
ANNE BORING (Sciences Po)
ANYA SAVIKHIN SAMEK (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
ANDREW PERUMAL (University of Massachusetts-Boston)

Jan 04, 2015 10:15 am, Hynes Convention Center, Room 208 
American Economic Association

Behavioral Economics in the Classroom (A2)

PresidingBRIGITTE C. MADRIAN (Harvard University)
Principles of (Behavioral) Economics
DAVID LAIBSON (Harvard University)
JOHN LIST (University of Chicago)
Teaching a Behavioral Economics Elective: Highlighting the Evolution of Research in Economics
TED O’DONOGHUE (Cornell University)
Training the Nudgers: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Expand the Policy Toolkit
SAURABH BHARGAVA (Carnegie Mellon University)
GEORGE LOEWENSTEIN (Carnegie Mellon University)

Jan 04, 2015 10:15 am, Boston Marriott Copley, Wellesley 
Society of Government Economists

Exploring the Potential for Improvements in Economics Education (A2)

PresidingDEIRDRE N. MCCLOSKEY (University of Illinois-Chicago and AIRLEAP)
Training the Ethical Economist
GEORGE DEMARTINO (University of Denver)
When Is Flipping Effective in Teaching Economics? Two Experiments in 'Active' Learning
RICHARD ANDERSON (Lindenwood University)
AREERAT KICHKHA (Lindenwood University)
The Economic Arguments for Government-Sponsored, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Economics
The Case for Including Economic Thought in the Education of Business Students
BRIAN W. SLOBODA (University of Phoenix)
ANITA CASSARD (University of Phoenix)
Valuing ‘Free’ Entertainment in GDP
RACHEL SOLOVEICHIK (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis)
SETH GIERTZ (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
REZA KHEIRANDISH (Clayton State University)
MARK COSTA (Sustain Software)
SHABNAM MOUSAVI (Johns Hopkins University)
AMELIE F. CONSTANT (Institute for the Study of Labor and George Washington University)

Jan 04, 2015 2:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Republic Ballroom Foyer 
American Economic Association

AEA Committee on Economic Education Poster Session (A2) (Poster Session)

PresidingSTEVE COBB (Pennsylvania State University)
Active Application of the Game Theory into a Classroom Game with Ethical Concerns and Understanding of Versatile Business Implications
SYLWIA E. STARNAWSKA (State University New York-Empire State College)
Poster Projects in Economics Classroom: Stimulating Active Learning and Creativity
INESSA LOVE (University of Hawaii-Manoa)
Incorporating Sustainability into Principles of Macroeconomics: A Case Study
MADHAVI VENKATESAN (Bridgewater State University)
The Use of a Collective Bargaining Simulation and Its Impact on Student Perceptions and Critical Thinking Skills
ROD D. RAEHSLER (Clarion University)
Flipped & Open
RICHARD ANDERSON (Lindenwood University)
AREERAT KICHKHA (Lindenwood University)
Using Surveys to Advance Economics Students Learning through Undergraduate Research
ZAMIRA S. SIMKINS (University of Wisconsin-Superior)
Tools for the Trade: Helping Business Majors See Value in Economics
MANDIE WEINANDT (University of South Dakota)
Making Economics Interactive: A Holistic Approach to Teaching
NATALIA V. SMIRNOVA (American Institute for Economic Research)
MICHELLE RYAN (American Institute for Economic Research)
Analyze This!
JILL BECCARIS-PESCATORE (Montgomery County Community College)
Inspiring Creativity through Intercollegiate Competitions
JAMES E. TIERNEY (Pennsylvania State University)
KALINA STAUB (University of Toronto-Mississauga)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
WAYNE GEERLING (Pennsylvania State University)
TERM IT! : A Term-Based Method that Quickly Transforms Students into Thinking and Writing "Macro-Economically" or "Micro-Economically"
CAROLINE KABA (Glendale Community College)
Crowdsourcing Test-Aids in Economics Courses
LEILA FARIVAR (Ohio State University)
50 Movies for 50 Years: A Look at the Most Influential Films Related to Economics from 1965 to 2014
G. DIRK MATEER (University of Arizona)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
J. BRIAN O’ROARK (Robert Morris University)
Capitalism, Communism, and the Mixed Economy: A Classroom Simulation
JAMES BRUEHLER (Eastern Illinois University)
ALAN GRANT (Baker University)
LINDA S. GHENT (Eastern Illinois University)
Dive In! Tips for Teaching Economics Through "Shark Tank"
CHARITY-JOY ACCHIARDO (University of Arizona)
ABDULLAH AL-BAHRANI (Northern Kentucky University)
DARSHAK PATEL (University of Tennessee-Martin)
BRANDON J. SHERIDAN (North Central College)
Teaching Pluralist Introductory Economics - No, It's Not Too Early
IRENE VAN STAVEREN (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
A Connection System in Economics Education
Research Oriented Learning and Teaching in Economics
JAN H. HOFFLER (University of Gottingen)
SUSANNE WIMMELMANN (University of Gottingen)
Economics: The (not so) Dismal Science
SIMON MEDCALFE (Georgia Regents University)
Connecting Supply and Demand - An Interactive Visualization
ADALBERT MAYER (Washington College)
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The One Minute Paper and a New Use for the Airplane Production Exercise
AMY HENDERSON (St Mary's College of Maryland)
Teaching "The Theory of Second Best"
RANGANATH MURTHY (Western New England University)
The Undergraduate Economics Capstone Course: Bringing it All Together through Service-Learning
WILLIAM ALAN BARTLEY (Transylvania University)
An Application of Benefit-Cost Analysis to Assess Career Changes
BRIAN W. SLOBODA (University of Phoenix and U.S. Department of Labor)
Student Social Media Preferences for Learning Economics
HOWARD H. COCHRAN, JR. (Belmont University)
MARIETA V. VELIKOVA (Belmont University)
BRADLEY D. CHILDS (Belmont University)
Pay for Play? Engaging Students through a Graded Multiplayer Prisoner's Dilemma
ALAN GREEN (Stetson University)

Jan 04, 2015 2:30 pm, Sheraton Boston, Hampton Room 
National Association of Economic Educators

New Initiatives in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Postsecondary Economics (A2) (Panel Discussion)

Panel ModeratorSAM ALLGOOD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
AMANDA BAYER (Swarthmore College) Advanced Placement Exams in Economics
WILLIAM WALSTAD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Test of Understanding in College Economics (TUCE)
RAE JEAN GOODMAN (United States Naval Academy) OECD's Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO)
JOSIPA ROKSA (University of Virginia) SSRC's Measuring College Learning (MCL) Project

Jan 04, 2015 8:00 pm, Sheraton Boston, Republic Ballroom A & B 
American Economic Association

7th Annual Economics Humor Session in Honor of Caroline Postelle Clotfelter (Y9)

PresidingJODI BEGGS (Northeastern University and Economists Do It With Models)
Rockonomix: Integrating Economics and Popular Music
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia )
Was that Rational? The American Economic (Year in) Review
JAMES E. TIERNEY (Pennsylvania State University)
Dual Mandate
Homer-Economicus: The Simpsons and Economics
JOSHUA HALL (West Virginia University )
A Few Goodmen: Surname-Sharing Economist Coauthors
ALLEN C. GOODMAN (Wayne State University)
JOSHUA GOODMAN (Harvard University)
LUCAS GOODMAN (University of Maryland)
SARENA GOODMAN (Federal Reserve Board)
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We the Economy
Economic-con 2015: A Theory of Maximizing Social Welfare via Top Decile Earners
ZACH WEINERSMITH (Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal)
Economic Actors
JODI BEGGS (Northeastern University and Economists Do It With Models )


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