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Econ Ed at the ASSAs

Happy Holidays everyone! Although I've been MIA on the blog for, um, months now, I would have to admit total blog defeat if I didn't do my usual post of all the Econ Ed sessions I can find on the ASSA program. Since I'm not quite ready to throw in the blogging towel entirely, here you go... (if I missed anything, please feel free to add in the comments!)

Jan 03, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 8 
American Economic Association
Research in Economic Education (A2)
Presiding: GEORG SCHAUR (University of Tennessee)
Diversity, Effort, and Cooperation in Team Based Learning
MOLLY ESPEY (Clemson University)
Do Students Know Best? Choice, Classroom Time, and Academic Performance
TED JOYCE (City University of New York)
SEAN CROCKETT (City University of New York)
DAVID A. JAEGER (City University of New York)
ONUR ALTINDAG (City University of New York)
STEPHEN DANIEL O'CONNELL (City University of New York)
DAHLIA REMLER (City University of New York)
Women’s Decision to Pursue a Masters Degree in Economics or Finance
ANNE BORING (Sciences Po)
Changing What Our Students Think, What Our Students Know, and What Our Students Think They Know
ADAM J. HOFFER (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)
MATTHEW ROUSU (Susquehanna University)
GAIL HOYT (University of Kentucky)
OLGA TROITSCHANSKAIA (University of Mainz)
JENNIFER IMAZEKI (San Diego State University)

Jan 03, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 5 
American Economic Association
Research in Economic Education: Efficacy of Interventions in Economic Education (A2)
Presiding: SAM ALLGOOD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Classroom Experiments: Is more more?
TISHA L.N. EMERSON (Baylor University)
LINDA K. ENGLISH (Baylor University)
Measuring the Effect of Blended Learning: Evidence from a Selective Liberal Arts College
LAUREN FEILER (Carleton College)
AARON SWOBODA (Carleton College)
The Impact of Challenge Quizzes on Student Knowledge
KIMMARIE MCGOLDRICK (University of Richmond)
PETER W. SCHUHMANN (University of North Carolina-Wilimington)
A Randomized Assessment of Online Learning
WILLIAM T. ALPERT (University of Connecticut)
KENNETH A. COUCH (University of Connecticut)
OSKAR R. HARMON (University of Connecticut)
ROBERT REBELEIN (Vassar College)
WILLIAM BOSSHARDT (Florida Atlantic University)
WAYNE GROVE (Le Moyne College)
CHRISTIANA E. HILMER (San Diego State University)

Jan 03, 2016 12:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Continental – Parlor 2 
National Association of Economic Educators
Teaching with Technology in Classes from 30 to 700 (A2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: WILLIAM GOFFE (Pennsylvania State University)
ERIC P. CHIANG (Florida Atlantic University) The Many Formats of Pre-Lectures: How to Prepare Students for Active Learning in Class
MARTHA L. OLNEY (University of California-Berkeley) Using Clickers in Large (700) and Small (30) Enrollment Classes
JOSE J. VAZQUEZ COGNET (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign) It is a Clicker Question, Not an Exam Question
J. BRIAN O'ROARK (Robert Morris University) An Economic Song and Dance... Engaging Students in a World of Multi-Media
ROGER BUTTERS (Hillsdale College) Benefits and Costs of Teaching with Technology

Jan 03, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Franciscan D 
American Economic Association
The Role of Teacher Training in Graduate Economic Education in the United States (A1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: SAM ALLGOOD (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
KIMMARIE MCGOLDRICK (University of Richmond)
GAIL HOYT (University of Kentucky)
MARTHA L. OLNEY (University of California, Berkley)
JADRIAN WOOTEN (Pennsylvania State University)

Jan 04, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 25 
American Economic Association
Humanities and the Teaching of Economics (A2)
Presiding: JEFFREY WAGNER (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Economics of Writing Detective Fiction
KENNETH ELZINGA (University of Virginia)
“Sing Us a Song, You’re the Economist”: The Many Uses of Music and Poetry in the Principles Classroom
CLAIR SMITH (St. John Fisher College)
The A, B, Cs of Teaching Economics: Advertising, Bi-Metalism, & Choices
CYNTHIA BANSAK (St. Lawrence University)
KAREN GIBSON (St. Lawrence University)
Humanities as Technology in Teaching the Principles of Economics
JEFFREY WAGNER (Rochester Institute of Technology)
LAWRENCE OLIVER (Texas A&M University)
DEIRDRE MCCLOSKEY (University of Illinois-Chicago)
SHANNON CHAMBERLAIN (University of California-Berkeley)
JONATHAN WIGHT (University of Richmond)

Jan 04, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Continental – Parlor 3 
American Economic Association
Education and Gender (I2, J1)
Presiding: SHULAMIT KAHN (Boston University)
The STEM Gender Gap: Evidence from the CA State Science Fair
NANNEH CHEHRAS (University of California-Irvine)
Educational Mobility across Three Generations of American Women
SARAH KROEGER (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
OWEN THOMPSON (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Student Appearance and Class Performance
CHRISTINA PETERS (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
REY HERNANDEZ-JULIAN (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
The Math Gender Gap: The Role of Culture
NÚRIA RODRÍGUEZ-PLANAS (City University of New York-Queens College)
ALMUDENA SEVILLA (Queen Mary University of London)
SHULAMIT KAHN (Boston University)
GARY SOLON (University of Arizona)
TANYA ROSENBLAT (University of Michigan)
MARGARET E. BLUME-KOHOUT (New Mexico Consortium and Mount Holyoke College)

Jan 04, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 21 
American Economic Association
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Data on Financial Literacy (A2)
Presiding: WILLIAM B. WALSTAD (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
An Overview of the PISA Financial Literacy Assessment
ANNAMARIA LUSARDI (George Washington University)
The Impact of Bank Account Ownership on Adolescents’ Financial Literacy
DIMITRIS CHRISTELIS (University of Naples Federico II)
DIMITRIS GEORGARAKOS (Deutsche Bundesbank)
ANNAMARIA LUSARDI (George Washington University)
Gender Differences in Financial Literacy: Evidence from PISA Data in Italy
LAURA BOTTAZZI (Bologna University)
ANNAMARIA LUSARDI (George Washington University)
Finance for All: The Impact of Financial Literacy Training in Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain
LAURA HOSPIDO (Banco del Espana - Servicio de Estudios)
GEMA ZAMARRO (University of Arkansas)
WILLIAM BOSSHARDT (Florida Atlantic University)
ANNE BORING (Sciences Po)
J. MICHAEL COLLINS (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Jan 04, 2016 12:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Continental – Parlor 2 
National Association of Economic Educators
Improving the Learning in Economics Courses (A2)
Presiding: CARLOS J. ASARTA (University of Delaware)
Art of Econ: A Guide to Differentiated Assessment of Students' Learning in Principles Level Couses
ABDULLAH AL-BAHRANI (Northern Kentucky University)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
DARSHAK PATEL (University of Kentucky)
JADRIAN WOOTEN (Pennsylvania State University)
The Impact of Information and Incentives on Teachers' Allocation of Instructional Time
AUSTIN S. JENNINGS (University of Delaware)
The Economic Impact of Prior Exam Performance on Current Effort Investment Decisions
TIN-CHUN LIN (Indiana University North West)
Are You More Economic Than a First Grader? Investigating Naive Economic Theories Within a Common Pool Resources Game
AMANDA BROOKE JENNINGS (University of Delaware)
The Invisible Paw: Teaching Economics Using The Berenstain Bears
ERIN A. YETTER (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
AMANDA BROOKE JENNINGS (University of Delaware)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
AUSTIN S. JENNINGS (University of Delaware)
ERIN A. YETTER (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
HELEN H. ROBERTS (University of Illinois-Chicago)

Jan 04, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Yosemite C 
American Economic Association

AEA Committee on Economic Education Poster Session (A2) (Poster Session)
Presiding: STEVEN COBB (University of North Texas)
Developing Large-Scale Interactive Online Gateway Courses for Undergraduate Economics
DMITRIY V. CHULKOV (Indiana University-Kokomo)
SUREKHA RAO (Indiana University-Northwest)
The Use of a Collective Bargaining Simulation and its Impact on Student Perceptions and Critical Thinking Skills
ROD D. RAEHSLER (Clarion University)
Using Musical Theatre Songs to Teach Economics
MATTHEW C. ROUSU (Susquehanna University)
The Greatest Hits of Rock-o-nomix: Discovering Pop Econ for your Classroom
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
Team-Building Experiment in Application of Economic Concepts in the Series of On-Line Discussions Imitating Real-Life Simulations, as Compared with WIKI Team Projects
SYLWIA E. STARNAWSKA (State University of New York-Empire State College)
Experiments with an Open Source E-Homework and Exam System
RICHARD G. ANDERSON (Lindenwood University)
AREERAT KICHKHA (Lindenwood University)
The Big Bang Game Theory
SIMON MEDCALFE (Georgia Regents University)
Using Screen Recording Technology to Teach Economics Courses and Conduct Research
JENNJOU CHEN (National Chengchi University)
TSUI-FANG LIN (National Taipei University)
Integration of Undergraduate Research in UW-S Economics General Education Courses
ZAMIRA S. SIMKINS (University of Wisconsin-Superior)
RUBANA MAHJABEEN (University of Wisconsin-Superior)
SAKIB MAHMUD (University of Wisconsin-Superior)
Instagraph: Using Instagram in Economics Courses
KRISTEN L. ZABORSKI (State College of Florida-Venice)
Creating, Using, and Sharing Dynamic Graphs
AARON SWOBODA (Carleton College)
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Incorporating Community Partners Into Economics Education (Convincing Them to Help Teach your Students)
WILLIAM ALAN BARTLEY (Transylvania University)
Use of Survey Research Methods in Undergraduate Economics Classes
VERONIKA DOLAR (Long Island University)
In-Depth Learning in Principles of Microeconomics and Elementary Statistics: Independent Courses versus Learning Communities
ROBIN LOVGREN (Belmont University)
KARA D. SMITH (Belmont University)
Defining Sustainable Consumption-An Applied Activity
MADHAVI VENKATESAN (Bridgewater State University)
The Ultimate Field Trip: Using a Country as Your Economics Classroom
HOWARD H. COCHRAN (Belmont University)
MARIETA V. VELIKOVA (Belmont University)
BRADLEY D. CHILDS (Belmont University)
The Challenges of Teaching “Health Economics” (to Students Who Have Only Had Introductory Microeconomics)
RANGANATH MURTHY (Western New England University)
Utilizing Behavioral Economics in the Economics of Health
HANGAMEH HOSSEINI (Pennsylvania State University)
Investigating Store Financing
KATHRYN BIRKELAND (University of South Dakota)
Importing STEM Evidence-Based Teaching Methods into a Large Macro Principles Course
WILLIAM L. GOFFE (Pennsylvania State University)

Jan 05, 2016 10:15 am, Hilton Union Square, Union Square 22 
National Association of Economic Educators
Online versus Face to Face Teaching (A2)
Presiding: HELEN H. ROBERTS (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Comparing Student Performance in Blended and Traditional Courses: Does Prior Academic Achievement Matter?
CARLOS J. ASARTA (University of Delaware)
JAMES R. SCHMIDT (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Online vs. Face-to-Face: Pilot Study of a Comparison of Student Outcomes with Random Assignment
JOHN R. SWINTON (Georgia College and State University)
Visualizing Data in a Blended Learning Environment Using the Online FRED Database
DIEGO MENDEZ-CARBAJO (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Putting Yourself in the Picture: Using Student-Generated Photos to Enhance Introductory Economics Courses
ABDULLAH AL-BAHRANI (Northern Kentucky University)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
REBECCA MORYL (Emmanuel College)
RYAN MURPHY (Saint Leo University)
DARSHAK PATEL (University of Kentucky)
JOHN R. SWINTON (Georgia College and State University)
CARLOS J. ASARTA (University of Delaware)
KIM HOLDER (University of West Georgia)
HELEN H. ROBERTS (University of Illinois-Chicago)

Jan 05, 2016 10:15 am, Marriott Marquis, Sierra K 
Union for Radical Political Economics
Pluralism in Economic Pedagogy (A2)
Presiding: RON BAIMAN (Benedictine University)
The Supply Curve Generally Does Not Exist, So Why Does it Show Up in Virtually Every Introductory Mainstream and Heterodox Text Book?
RON BAIMAN (Benedictine University)
What Should First Year Students of Economics and Political Economy be Taught?
MEHRENE LARUDEE (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Critical Thinking and Pluralism: Reflections on My Pluralist Teaching
IOANA NEGRU (SOAS-University of London )
What Concepts and Principles Should a Pluralist Principles of Economics Textbook Contain?
JOHN REARDON (Hamline University)
GARY MONGIOVI (St. John's University)
GEOFFREY SCHNEIDER (Bucknell University)
SCOTT WEIR (Wake Technical Community College)
JOHN KOMLOS (University of Munich)

And not so much about Econ Ed or pedagogy but likely interesting to folks:

Jan 03, 2016 8:00 am, Hilton Union Square, Golden Gate 3 & 4 
American Economic Association
Economics of Higher Education (I2, J7)
Presiding: CAROLINE HOXBY (Stanford University)
The Impact of the V-SOURCE Program on Disadvantaged Students’ College Enrollment
SARAH REBER (University of California-Los Angeles)
MEREDITH PHILLIPS (University of California-Los Angeles)
Do Public Subsidies Promote College Access and Completion? Evidence from Community College Districts
ISAAC MCFARLIN (University of Michigan)
PACO MARTORELL (University of California-Davis)
BRIAN P. MCCALL (University of Michigan)
The Impact of Intergroup Contact on Racial Attitudes and Revealed Preference
SCOTT CARRELL (University of California-Davis)
MARK HOEKSTRA (Texas A&M University)
JAMES WEST (Baylor University)
Bias in Online Classes: Evidence from a Field Experiment
THOMAS DEE (Stanford University)
RACHEL BAKER (University of California-Irvine)
BRENT EVANS (Vanderbilt University)
JUNE PARK JOHN (Stanford University)
BRIDGET TERRY LONG (Harvard University)
JEFFREY SMITH (University of Michigan) 

Jan 03, 2016 2:30 pm, Hilton Union Square, Powell A & B 
National Economic Association

Policy Interventions and Educational Outcomes (I2, I3)
Presiding: RONALD OAXACA (University of Arizona)
Coordinated Admissions Program
RODNEY ANDREWS (University of Texas-Dallas)
Match or Mismatch? The Role of College Readiness, High School Peers, and Application Uncertainty on College Application Behavior
SANDRA E. BLACK (University of Texas-Austin)
KALENA CORTES (Texas A&M University)
JANE ARNOLD LINCOVE (Tulane University)
Is the Best Interest of the Child Best for Children? Educational Attainment and Child Custody Assignment
TREVON LOGAN (Ohio State University)
YANG CHEN (IMPAQ International)
Education Environment Context Switching and Its Effects on Performance and Instructor Evaluation
SALVADOR CONTRERAS (University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley)
MARIE T. MORA (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
LISA D. COOK (Michigan State University)
MARK LOPEZ (Pew Research Center)
OMARI H. SWINTON (Howard University)


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