In the Principles class, when I start the section on the structure of the tax system, I always ask students if they believe taxes are "too high, too low or about right". The majority always answer "too high". After reading a recent article by Bruce Bartlett [hat tip to Mark Thoma ] I'm now tempted to ask them more specific questions about their beliefs about taxes and the size of government, since Bartlett has done the work of finding the answers for me. I don't usually do such extended quotes but this is great stuff (I should also mention that the responses from the Tea Partyers are exactly why I think we need to teach this stuff in Principles): Tea Partyers were asked how much the federal government gets in taxes as a percentage of the gross domestic product. According to Congressional Budget Office data , acceptable answers would be 6.4%, which is the percentage for federal income taxes; 12.7%, which would be for both income taxes and Social Securit...
Observations and ramblings of an economist with a passion for teaching...